



What the reason and advantages to upgrade to LED lighting for cars?

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led/light emitting diode/automotive lighting

Car lights are one of the essential components for safe driving on the road.
With the continuous development of LED technology and automotive industry, LED car lights have gradually replaced traditional halogen and xenon lamps. When designed properly, an LED circuit works efficiently up to 80%, which means 80% of electrical energy is converted to light energy while the remaining 20% is lost as heat energy.  Compared to conventional halogen and xenon lamps, LED car lights have the following advantages:
  • Significant brightness/High luminous efficiency: efficiency is several times higher than others; safer to use when driving in the rain, fog, bad weather, or at night
  • More cost-effective in maintaining vehicles: low power consumption that can help save money and power as well as extend the battery life of vehicles
  • With proper heat sink housing, it can function with a much cooler, better, and more consistent lighting.
  • Green product: LED is no mercury and other heavy metals, and therefore it is environment-friendly and energy-saving green product.
  • LED color temperature is easy to control and has good stability.
  • Faster to switch on.
  • LED provides better illumination and improves overall vision for the safety of vehicle drivers and pedestrians.
  • A wide range of colors are available.
  • Smaller and more compact in size with new, flexible and custom-made designs
  • Long lifespan: up to 50,000 hours
With superior features such as high brightness, color variety, low power consumption, and long lifespan, LEDs are widely used in the automobile industry today and there is no doubt that more and more auto LED lights will be introduced into the market going forward.
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