



What is an IP Rating/ IP code?

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waterproof dustproof headlight
The IP rating(IP code, International Protection Rating or Ingress Protection Rating), defined in international standard IEC 60529, was developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission. This standard aims to provide users more detailed information than vague marketing terms such as waterproof, dustproof.

The IP code consists of the letters IP, two digits and an optional letter.  It classifies the degrees of protection provided against intrusion of solid objects, dust, accidental contact, and water in mechanical casings and with electrical enclosures. The IP code indicates the degrees information of solid particle protection (IP first digit, level 0-6), liquid ingress protection (IP second digit, level 0-9), and other protections (single letter). When the numbers are bigger, the protection from solid objects/materials or water is better. When there is no data available to specify the protection rating, the digit is replaced with the letter X, i.e. IP 5X. A 0 digit is used to indicate that no protection is provided.

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