



What is OLED?the advantage of OLED lighting

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OLED lighting

Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED) is a type of light-emitting diode (LED) made of thin films of organic semiconductor materials and electroluminescent materials. OLED emits light in response to an electric current.
Compared with LCD, OLED has the following advantages: super light, very thin (thickness is less than 1mm), relatively bright, great viewing angle (maximum angle of 170∘), no need for backlight, uses less power, high definition, low heat, excellent shock resistance, low production cost, and bendable.
Nowadays, a famous car manufacturer is trying to use OLED in automotive lighting fixtures, such as rear lights, brake lights or indicator lights. OLED lighting fixtures are homogenous light sources that do not require any reflectors, light guides or similar optical components.  They can also be subdivided into small segments that can be controlled at different brightness levels.
Given the rate of technological advancements, the development of different colors and transparent OLEDs could soon be made possible.
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